Coursework brief

Brief: Create a front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate, minimum of FOUR images per candidate.

Monday 1 February 2010

Textual Analysis Of Image

This is another cover from XXL. XXL magazine is an urban lifestyle magazine which specialises in the Hip-hop and R&B culture. From the front cover of this magazine you can see that the target audience ranges from the ages of 16 to 35. There are very few sell lines included in this specific magazine cover this could of been triggered by the limited amount of space on the page. The sell lines include famous artist of the Hip-hop culture and also tell us about exclusive interviews (unique selling point)featured in the magazine, this is very effective as it makes the audience want to buy the magazine for inside information on celebrities. The layout of this magazine is pretty much the same as all of the other magazine made by XXL as they all employ typical conventions of magazine front covers, for example the masthead is placed behind the main focal image so that the image is visible but is less visible in comparison to the main focal image which is the main attraction.

This magazine includes a main focal image of Hip-hop icons Lil Wayne and Birdman(Baby). Birdman is 1/2 founders of Cash Money records, Lil Wayne is a also a part of Birdman's label as he was signed at a very young age. The reason why Birdman has his arm around Lil Wayne is due Birdman being a father figure which Lil Wayne never had. The editor's have deliberately used an image of a poor neighborhood/ghetto as a background image to show us that the rappers went from rags to riches. This image is very effective as the majority of rappers wear baseball caps and have a collection of diamond jewelry. Jewelry usually represents success, wealth and trend both rappers in this image are wear similar items as these add to stereotypes of rappers. From this magazine cover we can also see that the both rappers are covered in tattoo's these also add to the stereotypes of rappers as most of the tattoo's have no meaning, tattoo's also have to connotation of strength and power and is usually use to enhance the appearance of rappers.

The designer has been specifically chosen to link with the background image of a broken/damaged house

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